Album cover for 'living' by Nao Toyama
Nao Toyama

Nao Toyama - living Lyrics (Romaji & English)

Nao Toyama living Lyrics. Released on

Song Information

Song Title
Nao Toyama
Released Date
July 26, 2023
Nao Toyama
Tomoki Hasegawa
Tomoki Hasegawa


  • Nao Toyama
  • living
  • 東山奈央
  • Lyrics
  • 歌詞


Romanized lyrics

Sukoshi hayaku okita asa wa
Totteoki no kappu junbi shite hajimeyou

Sora wa takaku kaze wa sunde
Okiniiri no kaori nagarereba ii kibun

Hora, kararakarat to hitotsubu zutsu
Nee kanadete miru? Yutaka na rizumu
Tema mo hima mo kakete blew with you
Ai ga fukuramu

Kaori no hana saiteyuku wa
Koubashisa ni kokoro hodokarete ii kibun

Ima, fuwawafuwat to heya wo mitasu
Kono itoshisa goto sosoi de yuku
Sui mo amai mo nomihosu with you
Ai ga fukamaru

Ai ga fukamaru

Pa Pa Pa...

English translation

On the mornings I wake up a little early
I'll prepare a special cup and let's begin

The sky is high, the wind is clear
As my favorite scent fills the air, I feel great

Look, one by one, with a crisp sound
Hey, shall we play it? A rich rhythm
Putting in effort and time, I blew with you
Love expands

The fragrance of flowers blooms
My heart unravels with the deliciousness, feeling good

Now, gently filling the room with a softness
I pour everything along with this affection
Savoring the bitter and the sweet with you
Love deepens

Love deepens

Pa Pa Pa...

Japanese lyrics

とっておきのカップ 準備して始めよう

空は高く 風は澄んで
お気に入りの香り流れれば いい気分

ねえ奏でてみる? 豊かなリズム
手間も暇もかけて blew with you

香りの花 咲いていくわ
香ばしさに心ほどかれて いい気分

酸いも甘いも飲み干す with you


Pa Pa Pa……

Song Interpretation

"living" seems to celebrate the beauty of simple moments and the joy that comes from shared experiences with someone special. It expresses a sense of mindfulness and appreciation for the small details in life, such as the fragrance of flowers and the sound of dropping beads. The act of sharing these experiences and investing time and effort to create cherished memories together is depicted as a way for love to flourish and deepen.

Please note that the following interpretation is my personal opinion and may not reflect the original intent of the artist or songwriter. Interpretations are subjective and can vary from person to person.

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